
New Car Deals Ireland takes your privacy very seriously. We do not gather any user information or track you personally in any way. We do use Google Tag Manager though to track how the website and any ad campaigns we run are doing. We may add features in the future that uses uses your supplied information. If we do, only information that is needed will be asked for and it never will be divulged it to any third party, unless legally compelled to do so.

That's about it - all above board and nothing to worry about!


New Car Deals Ireland does not use any cookies, except those used by the development framework (.NET Core) to make the site work and Google Tag Manager to track site and ad campaign performance. Google Analytics monitors site performance and is now more privacy focussed and does not store or log your IP address. We run ad compaigns on Google from time to time and use cookies to help monitor the effectiveness of the ads. We will never use tracking cookies or any other means to track you personally.

If you so wish, you may opt out of Google Tag Manager (Google Analytics and the ad conversion tracking) by pressing the "Necessary Only" button on the Cookie Consent pop-up. You may reset your cookie choice by clicking on the button below.